The Story Of How I Got My Driver’s License.

Helloooo beautiful people,

Although I don’t have a specific blog post today.. I just wanted to come post and share with you something very exciting that happened to me today.

And the big exiting news is that… I GOT MY DRIVER’S LICENSE TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my god, I can’t describe how happy I am, Not about the fact that I got my driver’s license because it was kind of obvious that I will get it.. I mean I’ve been constantly asked to be a formula 1 driver but shrugged it off, I don’t have time for that… Just kidding, But seriously I’m a pretty good driver just sayin’.

Anyways, What I’m super happy about is that i won’t have to meet with the driving school (?) anymore !!!! They were so annoying like literally Ì had the worst experience ever the teachers were extremely boring, extremely weird, extremely annoying.. and I’m not exaggerating one bit !

Now let me explain to you how this works in my country :

You have to pass three exams, One that is oral (or theoretical which ever you like) and two practical ones, First,  You need to go to a driving school, Pay them to teach you -very badly- driving basics, and put up with their annoying, weird personas -_- (btw you have to be 18)

1. The Theoretical One : Traffic Laws.

You get in the car with this ” engineer ” who is the douchiest person you’ll ever have to encounter thinking that he’s giving you life or blood supplies to keep you going -_- and he shows you some road signs and if you get them right, Then congratulations, First exam check.

The teacher was annoying.. like unbelievably annoying.. And the day of the exam I literally waited for the whole day because there’s a lot of people that are passing different exams that day and it depends on the mood of the engineer (I seriously don’t know why they call him that) If he wants to start with the ones who came to pass the theoretical exam or the ones who have driving exam or the parking exam. You’ll wait forever anyways.

2. Parking Exam :

This exam has absolutely no meaning ! NO MEANING AT ALL ! It’s not like they’re gonna teach you how to park or anything, I don’t know how to explain how it goes but just keep in mind that it has no meaning ! You have to park the car with some kind of barriers. The only good thing is that you’re alone and you don’t have to be with the examiner dude (Let’s call him that) and he checks on you from outside. So If you park well… Good for you, One more exam to go.

Oh my god, The teacher ! He simply.. disgusted me. And the examiner was literally so rude. I don’t even wanna talk about that.

3. Driving Exam :

Which was today, I went with an open mind, I had one goal which was to get my license and never see their faces again ! And that’s what happened ! Of course I waited forever for my turn, What’s an exam day without waiting ? But it was worth it. Never gonna see their faces again !

For the driving test, You get in the car with the dude, He sees if you check your review mirror, If you turn on your indicator, If you do the first gear and second gear well enough (Yes it’s not automatic ) And he will test your patience, He will try to yell at you and kinda be rude but I didn’t care about him honestly I was in my own world mumbling Controlla by Drake.

If everything’s good then YAAAY, YOU GOT YOUR LICENSE !!!

And this is the story of how I got my driver’s license and How I won’t have anything to do with driving school species.

How does getting your driving license go in your country ? Do you remember the day you got your license ? How was it ? I’d love to hear (read) your stories in the comments !


The It Fashionista.

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